Friday, November 8, 2019

paul essays

paul essays Me and Literature Parm Hothi Although I have been reading books from a very early age, the first book I really liked was a kids story book that was printed in India. We lived in a small town near Los Angles called Riverside. Since we had no South Asian grocery store or even a little shop in the town, my dad would especially ask my uncle in Vancouver to send us Indian books because he liked reading. This one time with some of my dads novels came a wonderful little color filled book with strange pictures within . My dad handed it to me said dont lose it (not his exact I went to an elementary school called Cameno Real elementary and I was the only Indian in the entire school. None of the kids even understood who I was so they just assumed that I was a weird Mexican. Everyday I would come home and read that same book. I had other books but I didnt find the warmth and friendliness in those books that I found in this particular one. This book gave me a sense belonging and it evoked and showed a lot of sentiments. The book was about a boy who couldnt go to school because he had to go work in the fields with his dad. Later I realized that the books was to teach us not to take the privileges we have for granted. Even though the story was too complex for me at that age, the illustrations in the book were the ones that attracted me. I use to imagine my self in the field and all the kids in the pictures that looked like me was an astounding thought. I believe because of my dads efforts I have started a serious interest in India generally and modern Indian novels specifically. Since I started watching a lot of Indian movie it has become easier for me to make sense of the allusions in the novels. I have read several modern Indian fiction first editions. My interest coincided ...

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