Friday, February 14, 2020

Health care reform (Obama care) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health care reform (Obama care) - Research Paper Example The clique â€Å"Obama care† as mostly known among Americans arises from the facts that it is an idea developed and strongly advocated for by President Barrack Obama and his Democratic Party. Even though it logically appears as a social issue, Obama care has turned into a hotly contested political issue considering the strong opposition towards implementation by the Republicans. As much as the plan seems to be good for Americans, many issues have arisen especially from the opponents that are worth regarding for they have direct effects on the typical Americans. The controversies about the Health Care for American plan otherwise Obama care has seen development of fierce debate contested by the supporters mainly aligned to Democratic Party and opponents mainly aligned to Republican Party. Supporters of the plan argue that the law has good intentions for the general public as it will ensure that all individuals have access to affordable and fair cost of health care with disregard to individuals’ status. Supporters further demonstrate that the plan will ensure that every individual employee has the right to decide on the insurance company to provide cover without compulsion by the potential employer. Moreover, supporters of the plan argue that the law is so fair to an extent of restricting health care providers from manipulating costs of health care on basis of patients’ background of life status, gender or disability. Turner demonstrates that under the law, public servants, businesspersons, middle class and virtually all Americans will be able to buy certain drugs at fair prices. Additionally, the Health Care for American plan promises tax credits to small business employers who offer private health care coverage to their employees. Opponents of the Health Care for American plan also have very serious allegations worth to considering as far the Obama care debate is concerned. To begin with, business people who also employ certain segment of Am ericans cry about the heavy burden that the Obama plan will weigh on them. Businesspersons seem not to believe that the tax credits promised in the plan will help them reduce the possible expenditures they may bear once implementation of the plan gets underway (Huffman). In fact, most of the business persons who fear the impact of the law on their profits have begun to layoff sections of their employees to ensure that they only bear small burden when the plan gets into effect. The perceived layoffs have unbearable impact of leaving large number of Americans unemployed. This in turn translates to deteriorating living standards for American people. In addition, layoffs that mean reduction of employees have complimentary effect of lowering production activities of businesses since the remaining employees cannot satisfactorily perform the duties of the sacked workers. Certain divide of the opponents of the Obama Care health plan, argues that it will put unbearable and undue pressure on the middle class earners who will have to pay more taxes that will spread to cover the low income and poor Americans. Moreover, opponents of the plan demonstrate that the contained clause mandates the federal government to oversee implementation process across all states is unfair. This is because every state has its own budget and unique living standards and GDP. To ensure fairness, opponents of the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Event - Essay Example The event began with a salutation from our group leader followed by a few welcoming remarks and an introduction of the speaker as well as the members present and the purpose of the events. Just from this introduction I learnt the importance having an organisation of order of doing things and pulling the attention of participants in ensuring the success of any event. The speaker of the day took up from the introductions and went straight to the main objective. He described to us his life from childhood, what he has been thorough and the candid sacrifices and steps he has had to make while eyes remained set on the object of achieving success. According to the speaker ownership is a critical factor of success be in general life, academics or entrepreneurship. He emphasised the importance of persons taking the full responsibility of their life. I learnt that everything we do must be done for a purpose and in order to succeed we must always be willing to pay the price of our dreams. Staying focussed and becoming a subject matter expert in the field of interest are two other essential elements of success. The speaker also spoke about having a game plan for attaining personal or organisational goals, never giving up and being timely as crucial elements of success. In my reflection on the event therefore I think success is largely out of personal efforts and not the support of others. Even to be supported one must put an effort in winning this support. There will always be challenges in everything we do but the secret is to stay focussed and objective. This calls an understanding our purposes and goals as well as the effects of our actions to others. Being decisive and ethical in our decisions can really help us win the support of others both in life, business and as leaders and once there is the support then people share common visions and goals of success. This I think will be